Parents, don't forget to sign the assignment book daily to help our kids get organized for middle school. I know that it will be more difficult next year as students visit different classes and teachers. The fifth grade musical is Tuesday, April 21st. Be sure to have your students at school on time. The musical begins promptly at 7:00, students are to be at school 6:45! No Later!

We started a new science unit! Magnetism and Electricity. I am really excited about the concepts we get to cover include what is an atom and atom structure, magnetic poles, types of current, and static/electrical current. This unit allows for a ton of hands on lessons!

Our spelling tests are moving to a pretest on Monday and posttests on Friday. We are beginning to start studying our reading story on Mondays and test the skills on Fridays.

Hope this helps to keep you all more up to date with class activities. Email or call me if you ever have questions.

Thanks for all the support you give your student! It only helps them to be a stronger person later!


I want you all to know that I am very proud of my class this last week. I became very ill and missed Tuesday and Wednesday. Many of the students were respectful to the subs and completed the expected work. I would to thank all of those students.

Please make sure that the students are completing all work as the end of the school year comes upon us, I am finding some students are only completing half of their assignments.


I hope that everyone had a great, safe break! I am excited to have the kids back in the classroom.

Have your kids told you about the new things happening in our classroom?

Well.... for starters we have a new style for our assignment books. Each day there is room for assignments as well as the topic of what we studied in each subject. Plus! There is a line, at the side, for a parent's signature. For each day school is in session, the student can get a parent's signature. If there is a signature for each day, at the end of the week the student will be rewarded.

We got a SMARTBOARD!!! This is an amazing tool that takes up the entire middle of our chalkboard. This is a giant computer screen (69" I believe) that we can touch. It's a huge touch screen! We spent Monday trying new things. We could touch dice that spun on the screen, balloons that popped to show the correct answer, writing with our hands and erasing with the touch of a finger. This is the coolest piece of equipment ever!!

Ask your student about our new things!