Hello All,

I am so proud of our students so far! We are all practicing to take advantage of our learning time without wasting time. I am working to help the students be independent and try activities to challenge themselves. Many students are realizing that they are able to accomplish more than they expect. I have told them that if they think I am hovering or hindering their learning time, the students are to politely tell me they understand the concepts. I am already seeing students use time more wisely!!!!

In science we are discussing and learning about our body's digestive system. You should ask the students if they are interested in telling you about Mrs. Searcy eating chocolate upside down. :)

Math is going well. Pleas help students practice their math facts. Many students know how to do very difficult math problems. However, the only issue is that students are struggling to complete it because they do not know their multiplication facts. Practice at home a few minutes every day!

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